Extremely honest insights for the 1%
10 insights that can help you get everything you’ve ever wanted in career
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Quite Possibly the Only Knowledge You Need To Change Your Life
In my quest to help every person unlock their human potential, I teamed up with Veronica Weedon, a writer, speaker, health coach & hypnotherapist, for an important guest post. ✨ This is not your typical career post; it’s all about helping you get unstuck and leap in your potential. Veronica is now a highly sought-after coach helping clients smash through their “ceilings.”
I came across Veronica’s article (Quite Possibly the Only Knowledge You Need To Change Your Life) on Medium and felt inspired, so I reached out to her. She graciously agreed to guest post here to share with the ADPList community.
You can follow Veronica on Medium, Instagram, LinkedIn, and her website.
This is a piece and guide that will surely blow your mind. I’d love to hear your reactions in the comments. Let’s dive in ⤵️
10 insights that can help you get everything you’ve ever wanted.
I’ve been on a journey of healing and self-evolution for the past four years now, after hitting rock bottom in life at the beginning of 2020. Throughout this time, I’ve learned about, tried, and studied many different healing methods and modalities, most of which have added value to my life in some way and built on my understanding of how we operate as humans. More importantly, my journey has enlightened me about the mostly untapped yet innate power we all possess within us. A recent weekend at Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Retreat in Basel, Switzerland, expanded on this knowledge and my resolve to help others become healthier and happier. Here are 10 insights from the weekend that may just help you get everything you’ve ever wanted.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Dr. Joe Dispenza, he is a chiropractor, international speaker, researcher, author of multiple New York Times best-selling books, and educator who is passionate about the findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He uses that knowledge to help people heal themselves of illness, chronic conditions, and even terminal diseases so they can enjoy a more fulfilled and happy life as well as evolve their consciousness.
The work he does today was borne out of an accident he suffered back in 1986 while cycling in a triathlon. Dr. Joe was hit by a truck and broke six vertebrae in his spine. His doctors told him he would never walk again. Any surgery would have all but guaranteed he never walk again, so instead, he began using his mind to reconstruct his spine and self-heal. In just ten and a half weeks, Dr. Joe was back on his feet. In twelve weeks, he was training again and back at work at his chiropractic clinic. He fully healed himself with just his mind.
1. Where You Place Your Attention, You Place Your Energy
Everything is energy. It’s physics. Everybody knows this.
What I didn’t know is that thoughts have an electrical charge, and feelings have a magnetic charge. This creates an electromagnetic charge around us — energy.
The vibration of this energy is, therefore, directly determined by our thoughts and feelings. When we become stuck in negative thought patterns and feelings, the vibration of our energy will be at a much lower frequency than if we move with positive thoughts and feelings. Whatever frequency we emit will draw an equal frequency back to it.
Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
— Albert Einstein
In other words, change your energy, change your life.
And we can do this by changing our thoughts AND emotions.
2. Your Personality Becomes Your Personal Reality
95% of who we are is a set of memorized behaviors, emotional reactions, beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes. They function like a subconscious computer program below our conscious awareness.
Your brain is like a supercomputer, and your self-talk is the program it will run.
— Jim Kwik
Beliefs we hold about ourselves are created based not on the events that occur in our lives but on the meaning we give to them — on our memory of them.
Our thoughts and beliefs lead to our feelings, which in turn lead to our behaviour, which in turn leads back to our thoughts. It’s a loop, and negative thoughts and beliefs quickly become self-fulfilling prophesies.
For example, you’re backstage before giving a presentation and think you’re going to be terrible. This is the thought and belief.
As a result, you start to sweat, your heart starts to race, and you may feel light-headed. This is the feeling.
By the time you get to the stage, you’re a hot mess and forget half of what you were going to say. At the end of the presentation, you tell everyone, “See, I knew I’d be terrible.” This is the behaviour.
This behaviour reinforces your thought and belief that you are terrible at giving presentations. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The same theory applies to positive thoughts and beliefs.
Believe. Behave. Become.
3. Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind
As a hypnotherapist, I’m well aware of the split between the conscious (which determines 5% of our behaviour) and the subconscious mind (which determines 95% of our behaviour). I’m also very familiar with the body storing memories. But Dr. Joe Dispenza gave me a new way of looking at the subconscious mind in saying that this was our body — and it made a lot of sense to me.
Once we learn how to do something and repeat it enough times, our body begins to do it automatically.
For example, we don’t think about how to walk; our body just does it. We don’t think about how to brush our teeth; we just do it. We don’t think about how to read; we just do it. But at one stage early in life, all of these tasks seemed like almost insurmountable challenges.
The same principle applies to habits, good or bad.
But what’s more, is that our body does not know the difference between an actual experience in our life that creates an emotion and an emotion that we can fabricate by thought alone. To the body, it’s exactly the same.
So, if we can become aware of the beliefs that cause the emotions that underlie our bad habits, we can change those habits by changing our thoughts and emotions alone.
Thoughts are the language of the mind. Feelings are the language of the body.
Believe. Behave. Become.
4. Pain Is Emotion Stored in the Body
An ever-increasing number of people today suffer from chronic illnesses. I wrote about this recently in another article called “You Can’t Outsource Healing.” In this article, I also discuss the mind-body connection.
Emotions are energy in motion.
So many of our bad habits and deep-seated beliefs about ourselves originate in childhood. Young children do not possess logic, only emotion.
For the first six years of life, all attention is on the inner world because that’s where the brainwave patterns (delta and theta) are.
For the six years after that, children move into the imaginary world (alpha). Between the ages of 6 and 9, this is when the analytical mind develops, and a filter is created between the conscious and subconscious mind.
When some or all of our basic needs of food, shelter, safety, love, and care are not met as children, we develop beliefs about ourselves. These might include beliefs such as “it’s my fault,” “I’m unworthy of love,” “I’m not enough”, or many others. I wrote more about this in another recent article called “The Cost of Caring Too Much.”
Until the age of six, a child is completely in its subconscious mind. All information comes in unencoded because it has no analytical facilities to process it. So, whatever the child hears, it takes as reality.
In turn, we develop unhealthy coping behaviors as a survival mechanism. While these behaviours may be necessary as children, by the time we reach our teenage years and adulthood, they are part of our subconscious operating system. Our survival no longer depends on them, yet they are all we’ve ever known. And so the negative emotions that are trapped begin to fester from within.
From our teenage years onwards, most of our time is spent in beta brainwaves. Beta is our conscious awareness of our external world. We become increasingly detached from our emotions.
Our analytical mind is an extension of the ego. When our ego is in check, it takes care of the body (moves us away from danger, etc.). But when our ego is driven by stress hormones, it moves out of balance, and our hormones begin to endorse the ego, which leads it to become overly analytical. When this happens, it goes into high beta.
When we try to analyze in high beta, we move even further into high beta, which means the brain is in a state of incoherence, and further away from our original operating system (alpha and theta).
When in high beta, we are unable to listen to or believe anything that isn’t equal to the emotion we are feeling at the time. We’ll auto-suggest to ourselves thoughts that are equal to that emotion.
Believe. Behave. Become.
5. A Memory Without the Emotional Charge Is Called Wisdom
We don’t see things how they are. We see them how we are.
There’s a story that goes along with every emotion. It’s not the events that matter; it’s the meaning we give to them.
Familiar feelings are a record of our past. We can’t create a new future when our body is living in the past.