Sitemap - 2024 - ADPList’s Newsletter
Duolingo Streaks: Winning 500M users
The Winner's Playbook: How to Build Confidence and Overcome Self-Doubt
Steal these brilliant design tactics
Are design engineers the future?
State of the design job market 2024
How to succeed at design interviews
I stopped using these 7 salary negotiation advice
This 1 skill gets you fired or promoted
Things that matter for growing a career
Amazon: How I quickly rose to VP (Ethan Evans)
Extremely honest insights for the 1%
Guy Kawasaki: Why Some People Succeed and Others Fail
Design Career Ladder Cheatsheet
How To Master Your Attention In Times of Distraction | Nir Eyal
Duolingo little-known experiment
How to Get Lucky in Career? (ft. Kunal Shah)
How to pitch your value across roles
100 unicorns: 7 different design truths
What six years at FAANG taught me about designer growth
How Julie Zhuo Uses Data in Design: Early Facebook Days, starting Sundial
How to persuade your team with design narrative
How Duolingo pushes users from freemium to premium
How the biggest apps design onboarding: lessons from Figma, Duolingo and more
Lessons behind Airbnb's winter redesign
A guide to becoming a senior product designer
Dark Design Patterns: Don’t Do Any of This!