Sitemap - 2024 - ADPList’s Newsletter

Your favorite ideas of 2024

The Best Design Advice

Duolingo Streaks: Winning 500M users

The Winner's Playbook: How to Build Confidence and Overcome Self-Doubt

Steal these brilliant design tactics

Apple's new design language

Are design engineers the future?

Extremely honest design

State of the design job market 2024

How to succeed at design interviews

I stopped using these 7 salary negotiation advice

Why Uber stopped this design

Blinkist winning design

This 1 skill gets you fired or promoted

The Don Norman Playbook

Things that matter for growing a career

Amazon: How I quickly rose to VP (Ethan Evans)

Spotify: Boring wins

Extremely honest insights for the 1%

Guy Kawasaki: Why Some People Succeed and Others Fail

Sunk Cost Fallacy

Design Career Ladder Cheatsheet

How To Master Your Attention In Times of Distraction | Nir Eyal

War on Creativity | Chris Do

Uber winning design

Duolingo little-known experiment

Brilliant friction

21 career advice that matter

How to Get Lucky in Career? (ft. Kunal Shah)

📧 Airbnb

Data-Informed Design

How to pitch your value across roles

100 unicorns: 7 different design truths

Rebirth of UX Unicorn?

Don Norman

What six years at FAANG taught me about designer growth

How Julie Zhuo Uses Data in Design: Early Facebook Days, starting Sundial

How to persuade your team with design narrative

How Duolingo pushes users from freemium to premium

How the biggest apps design onboarding: lessons from Figma, Duolingo and more

Lessons behind Airbnb's winter redesign

A guide to becoming a senior product designer

Dark Design Patterns: Don’t Do Any of This!

Stop saying "Good job": How to give powerful feedback

How Airbnb designs product